Affair dating with married femmes is exciting, but also it can be dangerous in many ways. First of all, there’s always a risk to get busted by a jealous husband during one of the sex encounters, no matter how cautious you both are. Jealous men are extraordinarily cunning monsters, that’s why thinking it’s impossible to track you down is nonsense. Even if you’re some kind of a Rocky guy and can just beat anyone around, your mistress is most likely to find herself in trouble afterwards. The fact the woman is cheating on her husband with you doesn’t mean that she has no feelings for him or that her marriage is nothing to her. That’s why you should care about her privacy as well and do your best not to raise any suspicions. The risk to get caught while having an adult affair spices your sex encounters up and may seem to be not really high, that’s why most lovers start acting careless and literally asking for trouble. But you’re not one of them, right? Always think everything through and remember: one can’t be too careful.
Married ladies fix sex encounters with guys like you for the same reason you do it with them: they’re lacking passionate sex they enjoyed at the beginning of their legit relationship and they want that passion back. Keeping the whole thing safe is not an easy task, though it’s not as hard as it may seem. Just don’t leave any evidence and don’t push the whole thing further than sex. The best scenario is: you arrive, you shag, you leave. Remember: dating affairs aim at sex encounters and nothing more. So if your mistress shows any strange signs of affection, the best option is to leave the poor woman — forever. It may seem cruel at first, but remember that you’re doing that not only to keep yourself away from big trouble, but also to keep her marriage safe and sound. The best way to avoid such things is not to let your affairs last too long. One-night stands for the win!
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